Riding Down Under: Vita Adam Talks About Christian Music in Australia and Her New Album

Born in Indonesia before migrating to Australia at the age of 2, Vita Adam is one of Australia's burgeoning Christian artists. "White Horses" is Adam's debut full length album after her 4 charting singles and an EP "Real." The crowning value of "White Horses" is that this is a textbook example of how to think deeply about Scripture before incorporating them as worship into her songs without sounding like you have attended a Ph.D. lecture on theology. We are honored to be able to catch up with Vita for this exclusive Hallels' interview:
Hallels: Vita, thank you for your time. For our readers who may not be familiar with you, can you tell us more about you?
No worries. I am Indonesian born, but Melbourne (Australia) based and am part of a beautiful Christian family. I am the younger of twin girls and the proud aunty of the most adorable nephew and niece on the planet! I'm not even exaggerating! haha... I am passionate about my Jesus, about music and about our generation. I believe that our young people are the leaders of tomorrow, they have a voice, and once they understand their true identity and self worth, they have the power to change the world. This is why I do what I do. I want to sing life over my audience, empower them and move them into changing the world around them.
Hallels: How did you feel the Lord's call into music?
The call that the Lord has put on my life is an honour. To be entrusted with giftings and to be given so much favour in opportunities is most humbling. Not only is it exciting/ scary, but it is also a big responsibility that I do not take lightly.
I often pray the prayer of Jabez, " Oh Lord would you bless me indeed and enlarge my territory". There are times when I am afraid to pray it. But God has never failed me. He has provided my every need. He gives me the strength to invest in my calling and to prepare for whatever may come, so that when a door opens I am confident that the preparation has been done so I can walk through that door ready.
I am most passionate about bringing positive music to our generation. There is not a whole lot of positive messages coming off global music platforms right now & I am proud to be part of a wave of music that will claim back territory that satan seems to think he owns. My heart is to encourage those of faith and to capture the attention of those who don't move in faith circles. Everybody deserves options, and everybody deserves to hear about the good news of Jesus.
Hallels: What's the Christian Music scene like in Australia? What are some of the joys and challenges of being a Christian artist in Australia?
You know, I don't think it matters where you are. Being an artist is challenging. You are putting yourself out there with the risk of rejection every single day. Being an artist with a faith & wanting to do this well.....the challenges increase as you come up against the values of the world. Doing all of that as an independent artist...hahaha....sometimes there are just no words to describe how challenging it is. I have been called into one of the mosty expensive, seductive and worldly industries. Being "in the world but not of it" is the biggest thing for me as singer, songwriter & performer.
Australia is filled with talent. I just did a music festival here called "Easterfest". It is the largest Christian Music Festival in the country and draws artists from all over the nation and from across the seas, such Whiteheart, Shonlock, Hawk Nelson and many more. It blows me away every time I go, just how much talent there is in our country. It's comforting to know that there are so many of us hanging in there & doing the same thing. I have been blessed to have had mentors in my life that have walked the the path that I am on. Phil Gaudion of Paul Colman Trio, Roma Waterman & Naarah Seagrott of Alabaster Box. I hope that I can encourage those coming after me in the same way these incredible people have encouraged me. I believe every generation has a responsiblity to walk with the next.
Hallels: Let's talk about your new album "White Horses." How would you describe your style of music?
I'm so proud of "White Horses". It's me on a platter. I describe it as "pop", with rock, rnb & hip influences. There are so many different sides to my personality & I wanted to showcase all of them to my audience. Throughout the album you will get to know the tomboy in me. Then there's the vulnerable girl that just wants to be loved and then the freedom fighter who wants to change the world.
I am so fortunate to have been able to work with so many great people on this record and they have all left their mark. I love co-writing. It brings out different flavours as I work with different people.
Hallels: If you were to pick two songs from "White Horses" that most represent your heart, which would they be? And why?
Oooo....that's a toughy.
I would say the title track "White Horses". Based on Rev 19. The white rider on the white horse with all of heaven following on their white horses, riding into the final battle. How glorious knowing that the victory has already been won! My heart in that? "Can I join as another rider?". That's my heart's desire. Could I possibly be counted as another white rider? So I live to serve & to love Jesus. I always want to be counted as part of God's army. This song brings out out the freedom fighter in me.
The other one would probably be "You Come". What a special song, based on the verse in the bible that says "Behold I stand at the door and knock". I co-wrote this with my friend Jeremy Fowler, of New Empire, and he featured on the track as well. It took me back to when I did ( and still do ) go through dark times and my battle with anxiety. It talks about Gods grace and no matter your circumstance, your guilt, shame, darkness, pain or whatever it is that causes you to want to isolate yourself... Jesus comes. When you and I are broken, we are in the perfect position for Jesus to come and put us back together again, the way that he inteded us to be in the first place. I love that. Grace.
Hallels: Any plans of releasing your album overseas to the US market?
I am always looking for new opportunities and am definately talking and praying about hitting the US! Watch this space.... you guys are totally on my radar!!
Hallels: Since many of our readers reside outside of Australia, where can they purchase your album? And where can we learn more about you?
You can hit my website, www.vitaadam.com
There are contact details there, info about me and of course you can hit me up on itunes. You can also purchase "White Horses" online at www.koorong.com
You can also jump on social media and join my community on :
www.facebook.com/The Vita Adam
Instagram: "Vbomb"
Tags : Exclusive Interview Vita Adam White Horses Vita Adam White Horses Australian Christian Music
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