'Broad City' Season 2 Cast, Update: Low Income, Struggling Women, Paving Their Way through Daily Life in New York

'Broad City' Season 2 Cast, Update: Low Income, Struggling Women, Paving Their Way through Daily Life in New York
There is absolutely good news for people who love comedy series, as Comedy Central has decided to keep the series "Broad City" for a second season.
"Broad City" is a comedy television series, which follows two women in their twenties living in New York City. The two are best friends, paving their way through daily life in New York. The show also centers around the lives having low income, struggling women, and their friendships.
The members of the cast include Ilana Glazer a Ilana Wexler and Abbi Jacobson as Abbi Abrams. Other cast members include Hannibal Buress as Lincon Rice, John Gemberling as Matt Bevers, Stephen Schneider as Jeremy Santos, Arturo Castro as Jaime, Paul Downs as Trey, and Chris Gethard as Todd.
The series was created by Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson, who also star in the series leads and was developed from their web series of the same name.
Amy Poechler is one of Broad City's executive producers and had appeared in the finale of the web series. In 2014, Broad City has been nominated for the Critics' Choice Television Awards: Best Comedy Series along with Ilana Glazer for Best Comedy Series.
The duo wants to contemplate in life's most vital subjects such as cereal. Here is a sample from Huffington Post.
"Can you imagine if Disney World had a whole area for cereal?" Abii asks Ilana while they are on Skype. They independently munch around the "Epcot Center" of the cereal. "You know who would go there? Jerry Seinfeld."
Jacobson also talks about her thoughts about their episodes to the Wall Street Journal. "If you watch one of our episodes, there's not a big message," she said. "But if you watch all of them, I think, they're empowering to women," she added.
Meanwhile, here is a world premiere teaser Webisode in Vulture for the hit series' forthcoming second season.
For more Abbi and Ilana, watch the video on MTV. It features the comedy duo at Coney Island Cyclone, riding a wooden coaster.
"Hack Into Broad City" Webisodes can also be viewed in CC.com and browse the first season's episodes online.
The second season of "Broad City" is set to be released in January 2015.
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